July 12

Growth Begins at the Edge: Embracing Discomfort to Overcome Avoidance


I was speaking with one of my clients who, probably like you, has some fantastic results she wants to create in her life and business.

The Struggle

She tells me each week what actions she is going to take. Actions that will move her closer to her goal. The following week comes, and she hasn’t done everything that she said she would. When asked why (and I’m sure you can relate to this) she gives me various reasons. I’m not quite sure what I am doing, I didn’t feel like it, it was too hard, something else came up… Mostly, it is just about avoiding doing the action.

Understanding Discomfort

One of the reasons we try to avoid things is because of the discomfort we feel about doing them. Discomfort is actually an inevitable part of life – you can, however, choose your discomfort.

You can choose the discomfort of being where you are and wanting more – but not actually going after it
You can choose the discomfort you are going to feel playing full out and going after your goals.

Choosing Your Discomfort

Pretty much every day, there is something I have said I will do that I don’t really feel like doing. Next on my schedule today is to write three Instagram posts with graphics and hashtags. Even now, as I think about it, I’m slightly dreading it. It might take me a while to find the image that I want to use, and finding relevant hashtags can sometimes be a drag. I know in advance I will be experiencing some discomfort (even if it is just wanting to do something else instead of doing it) as I take the action.

The Consequences of Inaction

I could choose not to do it, but then I would feel the discomfort of:

  • Knowing that I didn’t follow through on what I said I would do.
  • Listening to the mind chatter and judgement about it.
  • Knowing that I haven’t moved myself closer to my goal.
  • Knowing that I haven’t put out information that will help people to achieve their goals.

So I ask myself to choose which discomfort I want. Pretty much every time, when I ask myself to choose the discomfort, I choose the one that will help me to create the life I want.

Action Acceleration

Start choosing your discomfort – the discomfort of staying still or the discomfort of going after what you want.

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  • I can very much relate. What helps me are deadlines and consequences: I have to hand in so and so, otherwise I’ll get yelled at or fired or something.

  • Overcoming avoidance is so difficult! I pend to overcome this with taking action. I had a grandfather who was a super procrastinator and I couldn’t stand it. Be cause of his I don’t stay in procrastination at all. Sometimes making immediate decisions isn’t good either…

  • Hmm, I like what you’re saying about choosing your discomfort. Avoiding something because it would be uncomfortable is something I am very familiar with, but when it’s important, I do it anyway. What helps me sometimes is to acknowledge the discomfort and take a moment to give myself support. Then it’s easier to go ahead with what I need to do.

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